New Years Archives - Custom Concessions Thu, 04 Feb 2021 16:33:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 New Years Archives - Custom Concessions 32 32 Your New Year’s Resolutions and Food Truck Plan: A Follow-Up Guide Mon, 08 Feb 2021 06:00:00 +0000 By the end of the year, roughly 92% of people will not have achieved their New Year’s resolutions. But, if you haven’t made immense progress in just over one month, that doesn’t mean you should scrap your resolutions altogether! If you had some goals set for your food truck business, this is a […]

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photo of a desk with office supplies and a red notebook with "2021" on the cover

Photo by Polina Kovaleva from Pexels

By the end of the year, roughly 92% of people will not have achieved their New Year’s resolutions. But, if you haven’t made immense progress in just over one month, that doesn’t mean you should scrap your resolutions altogether!

If you had some goals set for your food truck business, this is a great time to reassess them and get back on track. Grab a pen and some paper because you’re about to learn how to stick to your food truck plan and make some achievements this year. 

Break Down Goals

Setting huge goals often means you won’t cross the finish line for a while. The longer it takes to see results, the more unattainable the goal will start to feel, and the more likely you are to give up on it. 

Taking these high aspirations and breaking them down into manageable tasks is more useful. Say your goal was to take your business online this year. Break that down even further and decide where on the internet you want people to find you.

Do you want to build a website, or do you want to make a social media account? What form of social media would you use? 

Once you can answer these questions, decide who is best suited to take the steps required to launch your online platform. You can then establish a timeline, mapping out when you would like to get each action on the plan ticked off. 

Make an Outline

Sometimes a whole year is too long of a time frame for you to stay motivated about your food truck business plan. For instance, if you want to expand your food truck to include online ordering you’ll need to come up with a logistical plan to keep things running smoothly—including setting yourself up on an online platform, tracking order fulfillment, etc. If you give yourself an entire twelve months to do so, you might not get around to the task for a while. 

Setting monthly or quarterly goals can be more beneficial. Since you have already broken down your resolutions into small tasks, you can set deadlines for them. Making this outline will motivate you to get them done and keep you moving toward what you ultimately want to achieve. 

Track Your Progress 

When you complete a task, you should write it down somewhere. Every time you achieve a goal, the dopamine levels in your brain spike. Psychologically, your brain is more willing to repeat that action.

You can build off these progress trackers the following year too. Perhaps one of your intentions this year is to increase your food truck revenue. Tracking the percent increase from this year will give you an idea of what realistic expectations you should have going into the next one. 

Keep on Going with Your Food Truck Plan

Remember that failure is normal, and it doesn’t mean you can’t get back on track. Write down a purpose as to why you want to achieve the list of goals on your food truck plan to remind you why you are striving for them in the first place. 

Last but not least, if one of your New Year’s resolutions is to upgrade your food truck, don’t hesitate to reach out today for a free quote. 

Want more food truck advice? Check out more blog posts here!

Thinking about starting a food truck? Request a free custom quote and one of our food truck specialists will help you design the truck of your dreams.

Stay up to date on everything Custom Concessions has to offer! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

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7 New Years Resolutions For Food Truck Operators Mon, 21 Dec 2020 17:54:39 +0000 Photo by Vladislav Murashko from Pexels 2020 has been hard on all of us, and it’s been particularly challenging for the restaurant industry. Throughout the winter, many business owners are thinking about what’s coming next year. To help you prepare, we’ve lined up these New Year’s resolutions to keep your food truck business going […]

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photo of gold balloons spelling out 2021 on a white couch with a wreath in the background

Photo by Vladislav Murashko from Pexels

2020 has been hard on all of us, and it’s been particularly challenging for the restaurant industry.

Throughout the winter, many business owners are thinking about what’s coming next year. To help you prepare, we’ve lined up these New Year’s resolutions to keep your food truck business going strong through 2021.

Importance of Resolutions for Food Truck Operators

It can be easy to dismiss the idea of New Year’s resolutions as frivolous and quickly forgotten, but it’s important to be prepared for anything. Setting attainable resolutions can keep your business on track and help it thrive in the eventual recovery of the economy. 

While you are thinking about your goals for next year, keep these seven resolutions in mind. You can customize them to better fit yourself as a food truck operator, and adopt just one or as many as you want! 

1. Think Healthy

We’ll start out with the theme of most New Year’s resolutions: the goal of generally being healthier. People are looking to eat more fresh, local food at the beginning of the year, and you’ll be right there for them with smart, delicious options.

2. Try Out New Ideas

Now is the perfect time to experiment with your menu and try out new items you’ve been thinking about. There’s usually a bit of a lull after the holidays, which could leave you with more time to test out dishes you didn’t have time to mess with before.

3. Become More Organized

The extra time that January provides is also an ideal time to get everything organized. You can use the downtime to research the best programs for accounting, ordering, and maintenance of equipment.

4. Take Care of Employees

Now’s the time to assess your staffing needs. If you need to hire more people, take the time to find qualified workers. If you’ve got everyone you need, make sure to let them know that they’re appreciated.

5. Go Online

If you don’t already have an online presence, now is the perfect time to set that up. If your truck isn’t on social media, it’s a good idea to start an account and engage with your customers. Creating a website with online ordering options can also be a great option to increase your sales potential.

6. Get More Involved In Your Community

Becoming more involved in your local community is always a good goal. It gets the word out about your truck and helps locals connect with you and your business. It can be as simple as participating in your city’s food truck festivals or partnering with local charities.

7. Increase Sales

If you can keep all of the above resolutions, it’s going to be easy to increase your sales. Having a specific goal that’s both realistic and optimistic is going to make it easier to achieve. 

Keep Those Resolutions

It can be easy to blow off New Year’s resolutions, not just for food truck operators but for everyone. Post them up somewhere you’ll see them every day to keep up your motivation and make 2021 a big success. Take time throughout the year to evaluate how you are doing on your goals—whether it’s once a month, or once a quarter.

Are you looking to make the most of 2021 and upgrade your food truck for the coming year? Contact us today for a free quote.

Want more food truck advice? Check out more blog posts here!

Thinking about starting a food truck? Request a free custom quote and one of our food truck specialists will help you design the truck of your dreams.

Stay up to date on everything Custom Concessions has to offer! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

The post 7 New Years Resolutions For Food Truck Operators appeared first on Custom Concessions.

How to Maximize Holiday Food Truck Sales Fri, 20 Nov 2020 18:07:58 +0000 Photo by Jill Wellington from Pexels Food trucks are more than a trend—they’re a mobile food movement. There’s a place for mobile kitchens and brick and mortar restaurants, but food trucks are gaining momentum. Though thousands of food trucks exist today, they’re not without obstacles. Operators must stay on their toes to keep food truck sales up […]

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The post How to Maximize Holiday Food Truck Sales appeared first on Custom Concessions.

festive holiday photo of hot chocolate on a table with gingerbread, ornaments, and a winter hat

Photo by Jill Wellington from Pexels

Food trucks are more than a trend—they’re a mobile food movement. There’s a place for mobile kitchens and brick and mortar restaurants, but food trucks are gaining momentum.

Though thousands of food trucks exist today, they’re not without obstacles. Operators must stay on their toes to keep food truck sales up during the holidays.

There are only 10 federal holidays a year, but every day’s a holiday to someone. Where there are holidays, there’s a food truck opportunity.

If you’re looking to rev up your food truck sales during the holidays, here’s what you need to know.

Food Truck Sales During Holidays

If you own a food truck, holidays can mean one of two things for you. For some, you’ll see an opportunity to sport your food truck around town. For others, you might fear less traffic and that your food truck sales will suffer.

There are two approaches you can take to make sure you stay successful. 

1. Food Truck Festivals

What better time to market yourself than the holidays? Pairing up with other local food trucks is a smart strategy. Depending on the holiday, bother winter and summertime can be hubs for food truck fiestas!

Food truck marketing tip number one: success doesn’t come from being the only food truck in town. Encouraging potential customers to support the food truck community and visit different food trucks nearby boosts traffic and your exposure.

2. Cater Events

If you can’t find a way to lean into the holiday happenings, consider catering specific events. While you may not serve the masses, you’ll make relationships and have high-volume orders to steady your sales.

You can choose to expand your horizons or hone in on niche markets. Before you choose, consider the following strategies.

Holiday Food Truck Strategies

Before you can take on the holidays, you’ll have to know the type of holiday. There are three: federal holidays, societal holidays, and self-made “holidays.”

How you approach Memorial Day—a federal, known, popular outdoor holiday—will vary from a self-declared holiday like Food Truck Friday. Something like Valentine’s Day is a societal holiday—well known, but not official.

Federal holidays need less food truck marketing than self-declared holidays. Food Truck Friday celebrationsare like self-crafted campaigns. You’re in charge of spreading the word from start to finish.

Food truck folk are no strangers to social media, so holiday marketing can be a breeze. Consider how you might up your social media game for these occasions.

Will you make a mobile app? Pass out coupons and flyers? You might even make a food truck finder game on social media to incentivize folks to locate you.

Holidays have playful energy. Make fun out of your food truck strategy!

Every Day is a Holiday With Food Trucks

You’re in full control of your food truck sales. It’s not the holiday that determines your success, but how you relate to it.

Sprinkle in a few self-proclaimed holidays with national ones. Be sure to space things out enough to communicate with your following and build momentum!

So long as you’re forward-thinking, you’ll have no problem tackling holidays the food truck way.

Want more food truck advice? Check out more blog posts here!

Thinking about starting a food truck? Request a free custom quote and one of our food truck specialists will help you design the truck of your dreams.

Stay up to date on everything Custom Concessions has to offer! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

The post How to Maximize Holiday Food Truck Sales appeared first on Custom Concessions.

Best Holiday Marketing Ideas for Your Food Truck Wed, 18 Dec 2019 17:18:22 +0000 Food trucks tend to be very busy and profitable during the summer. But there are slower periods—and winter is one of these times. During summer, foot traffic is higher, which means more customers. When it’s cold out, you need to put in extra effort to draw people to your truck. […]

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shallow focus photo of a holiday beverage sitting on a snowy bench surrounded by red apples, pine cones and evergreen branches

Food trucks tend to be very busy and profitable during the summer. But there are slower periods—and winter is one of these times.

During summer, foot traffic is higher, which means more customers. When it’s cold out, you need to put in extra effort to draw people to your truck.

Do you know what to do when the nights are closing in and sales drop?

Luckily, we do. Ready to find out what kind of holiday marketing you need to do to keep your customer base healthy? Then check out our list of holiday marketing tips and keep on truckin’!

Offer Seasonal Variations of Your Food and Drinks

One surefire way to keep customers hooked is by changing your menu for the holidays. If you’re the only food truck offering that must-have food or drink, customers will come regardless of the weather.

In the UK, food trucks often carry a full roast dinner in a Yorkshire Pudding wrap, complete with gravy, at Christmas. It’s been a huge success over there, and that kind of creative thinking plays just as well this side of the pond.

We’re not only talking about putting pumpkin spice in your coffee, either. Come up with some fun holiday promo ideas, like eggnog lattes, or Christmas-themed burritos. Fit a pizza oven in your truck, and offer holiday-themed topping choices.

Use Ideas Associated with the Holidays in Your Ads

Don’t just stick with the same ads that you use for the rest of the year. Run special holiday ads in your area. Get some photos of your truck in snow, or even add some digital snowflakes to your ad.

Create a cozy atmosphere and get on Google or Facebook Ads and target your local following. Let your customers know where you’re going to be and when, and tell them about your holiday specials.

You should also consider offering coupons. While these bite into your profit margins, creating holiday-themed offers will help attract customers.

You could give customers a two-for-one deal on certain days, letting them share their food with friends and loved ones for free. Market this as promoting seasonal goodwill to all.

Create a Loyalty Program

This is fantastic all year round, but during the holidays, it can really help you out. Give your customers points for every sale, and give them a free dish once they’ve hit a certain number of points. 

When customers sign up for the program, ask for their email. When you’ve got a list of customer emails, create a regular newsletter. Promote your new foods, run contests, and offer exclusive discounts. 

You could also offer customers access to a VIP event if they hit a certain number of points. Organize a seasonal party a few days before Christmas, invite your most loyal customers, and give them free food. You’ll make a bit of cash from drink sales, but most importantly, you’ll increase customer loyalty.

Offer Catering

Your food truck doesn’t have to be out on the sidewalk. Is there a big event coming up, or a wedding? Lots of corporate holiday parties are going on during this time of year. Start offering your services for these celebrations.

During the Christmas season, focus on running holiday campaigns. Let customers know that you can cater to their office Christmas party, or set up shop at a local Christmas market. 

Sure, you’ll have to take a day out of your normal business, but you should make just as much profit, if not more.

Everyone is celebrating during this period. Events offer a steady stream of business.

Keep Your Instagram Profile On Point

You shouldn’t upload the same images to Instagram all year round. Keep it friendly, relatable, and most of all, fun. 

Looking for holiday marketing ideas for your Instagram? It could be as simple as having your crew dress up in ugly Christmas sweaters. If you’ve got a pet dog, upload a picture of them with some antlers on.

Got special packaging for the holidays? Upload a picture of it when you have the stock. Essentially, get people in the mood for two things: the holidays and your food.

Segment Your Customers

Customer segmentation is a key skill. While you should be using it all year round, it’s especially effective during the holidays. 

Facebook and Google both let you segment your customers, and target a certain age group or profession with your messaging. 

Think of what is involved in finding, getting to, and ordering from your truck, and who finds it especially tiring. For example, consider targeting older people who are more likely to be grandparents. Park near the hot spots for holiday shopping and encourage them to come by your food truck while they’re out shopping for their grandchildren’s gifts.

Give a Percentage of Profits to Charity

The holidays are a season of giving, and that applies to businesses too. Think of a cause that you’re passionate about. 

Maybe you’d like to help homeless people stay warm and fed this winter. Maybe you care profoundly about animals or helping the hungry get some extra food in their bellies.

Take a small percentage of your profits and donate them to charity. This is great for a number of reasons:

  1. You’ll getting more involved in your community and helping others.
  2. Customers will prefer buying from you, knowing that you’re helping out the less fortunate.
  3. Featuring your donations in your holiday marketing will help spread word of mouth about your food truck.

Final Thoughts on Holiday Marketing

Holiday marketing is essential. You want to make sure that your content is relatable and fun. Share in the holiday spirit, and offer additional incentives to get customers to your food truck. 

You’ll have to get creative if you want to hit summer customer numbers, but it’s possible!

Want more food truck advice? Check out more blog posts here!

Thinking about starting a food truck? Request a free custom quote and one of our food truck specialists will help you design the truck of your dreams.

Stay up to date on everything Custom Concessions has to offer! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

The post Best Holiday Marketing Ideas for Your Food Truck appeared first on Custom Concessions.
