health code Archives - Custom Concessions Wed, 25 Nov 2020 16:42:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 health code Archives - Custom Concessions 32 32 Staying Legal: How Food Truck Owners Follow Food Safety and Health Code Mon, 30 Nov 2020 06:00:00 +0000 Photo: foodiesfeed / Freepik In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, food trucks are having a huge moment. They make great, affordable food, and it’s easy to social distance when you’re outside! But you may be wondering how they keep themselves clean and follow the health code.  Just like restaurant owners, […]

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photo of hands with plastic gloves on preparing a hot dog over a cooktop

Photo: foodiesfeed / Freepik

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, food trucks are having a huge moment. They make great, affordable food, and it’s easy to social distance when you’re outside! But you may be wondering how they keep themselves clean and follow the health code. 

Just like restaurant owners, food truck owners have to maintain standards. There are several food truck laws pertaining to their cleanliness and maintenance, and food trucks are regularly checked by a health inspector, just like restaurants.

Ease your mind by reading on to find out what you can expect as a food truck owner. 

State-Specific Health Code

Much of what health inspectors check for in a food truck varies from state to state. However, there are a few things that are required in most, if not every, state. These include:

  • An up-to-date food handling license
  • Visibly clean surface (a no-brainer!)
  • No food in the “danger zone” temperature range
  • Records of food purchases
  • Alcohol license (if applicable)
  • All food products are more than six inches off the ground

These are general guidelines, and some states are more strict than others. However, these are all signs that a food truck is being run in a compliant and sanitary way.

Regular Inspections 

Health inspectors generally arrive once or twice a year. They are impartial, and work for the state government. Therefore, a health inspector cannot be bought or bribed, and you can trust they’re giving an honest rating. 

Health inspectors also perform inspections if a business has received a significant number of complaints. If a business performs badly on an inspection, they’ll also run a follow-up to make sure the mistakes were mended. These inspections are often random and unscheduled. 

Food Manager Certification

Again, the requirements vary from state to state, but nearly every state requires a food service license. Foodservice licenses and food manager certifications just verify that you are allowed to serve food. It is the bare minimum of starting a food-centered business. 

This license is often accompanied by a ServSafe certification, which shows you know the proper food handling methods and won’t give your customers salmonella or food poisoning. Some states also have separate food truck permits that are different from the permits required to run a brick-and-mortar restaurant. 

Other Permits and Licenses

In addition to food handling certifications, food truck operators must have a business license and driver’s license. The food truck must also be registered as a commercial vehicle and needs commercial license plates. The process of acquiring these varies from state to state, but the requirement is ubiquitous across the nation.

Ease Your Mind When Serving from a Truck

Though they are lower-tech and more trendy than other restaurants, food trucks must meet a high standard. Any food truck owner worth their salt will know their state’s health code front and back. You want your customers to rest assured that the food you’re serving is safe and compliant. 

Starting your first food truck? We have plenty of advice for both fledgling and experienced food truck owners on our blog. Venture confidently into the world of mobile food service with us!

Want more food truck advice? Check out more blog posts here!

Thinking about starting a food truck? Request a free custom quote and one of our food truck specialists will help you design the truck of your dreams.

Stay up to date on everything Custom Concessions has to offer! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

The post Staying Legal: How Food Truck Owners Follow Food Safety and Health Code appeared first on Custom Concessions.

7 Benefits of Buying a New Customized Food Truck Mon, 04 Nov 2019 06:00:48 +0000 Looks like food trucks are getting the green light. According to this report, more people are electing to expand the industry by adding new food truck-based businesses to the menu. Thinking about starting your own food truck? Before you hit the road and chow down on new business ideas, it helps to […]

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The post 7 Benefits of Buying a New Customized Food Truck appeared first on Custom Concessions.

photograph of a blue food truck selling fish and chips parked in an urban area with a long line of customers

Looks like food trucks are getting the green light. According to this report, more people are electing to expand the industry by adding new food truck-based businesses to the menu.

Thinking about starting your own food truck? Before you hit the road and chow down on new business ideas, it helps to consider your options. First of all, are you buying a new, customized food truck, or going with a used one?

For most people, a customized truck is the better bet. 

Here are seven reasons to consider getting a customized food truck. Take a bite out of these benefits!

1. Equipment & Layout

Purchasing a customized food truck instead of a used one puts you in the driver’s seat. With a new truck, you get to decide the equipment you use, the layout, the bells and whistles—everything. Otherwise, you’re left with the existing layout, which can limit your equipment choices. 

Every type of cuisine requires different pieces of equipment. Depending on the type of food you’re serving, you’ll need to choose specific equipment. Otherwise, you might find yourself making changes to the menu. 

Removing old commercial cooking equipment and replacing it with new stock isn’t cheap. It’s also not as easy as buying a new blender or microwave. Instead, you have to find equipment that’s suited for your truck’s outlets and plumbing. 

By purchasing a customized food truck, you decide the layout first. 

Instead of getting stuck with equipment that’s already installed, you can determine what equipment you need based on your cuisine. 

You can even search through different brands of commercial cooking equipment. Don’t get stuck with cheap options in a previously owned food truck. Purchasing a brand new food truck means you can make it your own!

photo of a food truck interior showing a sanitation sink, stove, sandwich prep table, refrigerators and other appliances

2. Minimize Potential Issues

It’s important to choose a vehicle that’s reliable and safe for you and your team. After all, this is your place of business! You don’t want to take a used food truck on the open road and have it breakdown on a busy intersection. 

If the vehicle breaks down, you can’t just operate elsewhere.

Instead, you have to pay for repairs. In addition to the cost of getting the truck fixed, you’re also losing money for each day you’re out of business.

Don’t leave yourself with the stress of dealing with mechanical issues and costs. 

If this happens often, your customers will start to take notice. They might elect to grab a bite to eat elsewhere after your truck repeatedly breaks down. 

For some people, buying a used food truck that breaks down breaks their business, too. 

Instead, keep your food truck up and running! Purchasing a brand new food truck can help you get the peace of mind you need.

You’ll know you and your team are safe and that you can stay open for business. Plus, your customers will know they can rely on you for a good meal, too.

3. Easy Warranties

For any business, it’s important to have a backup plan. That’s where your warranties come in.

When you purchase an old, previously used food truck, warranties probably won’t come along with it. If anything happens to the food truck, you’re straight out of luck! You could end up paying an exorbitant amount of money to deal with the damages. 

Often when purchasing a new truck, you’ll find that a number of warranties are available to you to protect the various pieces of equipment in your truck.

Some food truck builders even offer warranties on their custom manufacturing work.

By choosing to purchase a custom food truck, you’ll have the peace of mind that these warranties are there to protect you in case an accident occurs. 

4. Health Codes

Whether you buy a used food truck or a new one, you’re going to need to make sure you’re meeting all the health codes.

If you purchase a previously owned food truck that operated in a different location, however, it’s probably not up to code for use in your city. Health codes can vary widely depending on the location. 

Why bother purchasing a food truck that you can’t use in your own city? Instead of hitting that roadblock, skip the stress. Buy a customized food truck that’s built with your city’s health codes in mind. 

That way, you’ll have a guarantee that you can operate where you intend to run your truck. 

photo of a food truck interior showing ovens, stove, fryers, exhaust hood, proofing cabinet, refrigerator, and other kitchen equipment

5. Nice & Clean

Over the years, food trucks experience a lot of wear and tear.

Imagine the grease build-up, mildew, or other potential health-risk issues that could be lurking under the surface in a used truck.

When you purchase a customized food truck, you start with a clean slate—literally. You won’t have to worry about the previous owners or what they left growing in the fridge. Instead, you can start your food truck business with a clean place to work. 

6. Big Picture Costs

The food truck industry is expected to reach $985 million in 2019. Many people choose to buy a used food truck because it seems cheaper—at a glance. However, you have to consider the big picture.

When you purchase a used food truck, you still have to pay for updated equipment, possible changes, and potential repairs. If the truck keeps breaking down, those costs will add up over time.

You might end up paying more for a used food truck than a brand new one.

7. Larger Selection

When you search for a food truck, buying a used truck limits your options. You can only select sizes, equipment, and layouts you can find.

Why waste time searching when you know exactly what you’re looking for?

By purchasing a customized food truck, you make the decisions. You’re not limited to what’s for sale. Instead, you can design the truck to match exactly what you have in mind.

Meals on New Wheels

Ready to hit the road? Discover our food truck options and request a quote for your food truck today.

Want more food truck advice? Check out more blog posts here!

Thinking about starting a food truck? Request a free custom quote and one of our food truck specialists will help you design the truck of your dreams.

Stay up to date on everything Custom Concessions has to offer! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

The post 7 Benefits of Buying a New Customized Food Truck appeared first on Custom Concessions.
