Dream Job Archives - Custom Concessions https://www.customconcessions.com/tag/dream-job/ Wed, 12 Jun 2019 18:28:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 http://www.customconcessions.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/cropped-Fav-32x32.jpg Dream Job Archives - Custom Concessions https://www.customconcessions.com/tag/dream-job/ 32 32 Why You Really Can Make Your Dream Of Becoming A Food Truck Owner Come True http://www.customconcessions.com/why-you-really-can-make-your-dream-of-becoming-a-food-truck-owner-come-true/ Wed, 14 Mar 2018 23:07:28 +0000 http://www.customconcessions.com/?p=10005 Yes, you really can make your dream of becoming a food truck owner come true. It’s not going to be easy, and you have to hustle, but it is a real possibility. In fact, if you are willing to put in the work, then the food truck industry might be in […]

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Yes, you really can make your dream of becoming a food truck owner come true.

It’s not going to be easy, and you have to hustle, but it is a real possibility.

In fact, if you are willing to put in the work, then the food truck industry might be in your near future.

Whatever the case, here are four reasons why you really can make your dream of becoming a food truck owner come true. Make sure to check them out, and good luck, future food truck owner!

Why You Really Can Make Your Dream Of Becoming A Food Truck Owner Come True

  • Determination Is A Very Powerful Thing
  • There Are Plenty Of Ways To Come Up With The Money
  • There’s An Overwhelming Amount Of Information Out There
  • A Good Idea Can Go A Long Way

4.) Determination Is A Very Powerful Thing

A determined person is a very powerful thing.

If you are determined, then you will likely never quit when it comes to making your dream come true. You will become obsessed (in a good way, of course) with making your dream come true.

Part of becoming a food truck owner—and finding success in the mobile kitchen industry—is having the right mindsets. If you have the right mindset—and stay determined, persistent and patient—then you will be setting yourself up for success right from the beginning.

3.) There Are Plenty Of Ways To Come Up With The Money

This is one of the main reasons why people don’t make their dreams of becoming food truck owners come true. Yes, a food truck can be quite the investment from a money standpoint. But there are plenty of ways to come up with the money.

For example, you could persuade friends and family members to do a round of investing. You could also save.

When you combine those two factors together, two different things could happen: (1) You will have enough money to buy a food truck, or (2) you will have enough money for a downpayment for your food truck loan.


Of course, you could just have more money than you had before, but every little penny counts.

The key thing is this: There are options. There are plenty of ways to come up with the money, whether it be through financing, working more hours, finding a side hustle or whatever it might be.

If you really want to become a food truck owner, then you will always keep that dream alive, and you will take the necessary steps to make it happen. Sure, you might want to enter the industry tomorrow, but it’s okay if it’s a process, because that’s the case for many different dream jobs.

2.) There’s An Overwhelming Amount Of Information Out There

We live in a day and age in which we can access an overwhelming amount of information on our phones, computers, etc.

This means we can search the internet for success stories if we are hungry for motivation. Or, we can search the internet for how to start up a food truck business articles, and how others accomplished this feat.

If you don’t know much about starting a business, running a business, creating a business plan, creating menus, etc., then fear not — because there is an overwhelming amount of information on each of those topics on the internet.

The point in all of this? It takes a lot of skill and knowledge to run a successful food truck business. If you are lacking in the knowledge department, that’s okay. In this day and age because you can do the research in the comfort of your own home.

RELATED: Why Being A Food Truck Owner Should Be Looked At As A Dream Job

1.) A Good Idea Can Go A Long Way

What do we mean by this, and how does it relate to why you really can become a food truck owner?


A good idea can lead to you becoming a success, and it could also lead to you getting financing if that is something you desire. In this case, a good idea is your food truck concept. Now, we aren’t saying a good concept will lead to you making an overwhelming amount of money and receiving funding. But it can if you combine it with the right things, such as with a great business plan and a good work ethic (among other ingredients).

A good idea could lead to you seeing an overwhelming amount of success in the mobile kitchen industry. After all, people love food. If you are providing people with food they cannot live without (or it is at least really good and unique), then you will have no problem attracting customers. This could lead to booming sales. This could also lead to you landing more catering gigs. It could lead to your food truck becoming extremely popular. It could lead to you making enough money to live comfortably, opening up a second food truck, opening up a sit-down restaurant … or all of the above.

Nowadays, everyone wants things overnight, such as a successful food truck business. As a result, quality tends to take a hit. However, if you make quality a must-have you can enter the food truck industry and see a massive amount of success.

It all starts with your passion for cooking and one good idea, which, in this case, is your food truck concept. This one idea could lead to a growing passion. This growing passion could lead to you putting in the work, and that could lead to you becoming a food truck owner.

Want more food truck advice? Check out more blog posts here!

Thinking about starting a food truck? Request a free custom quote and one of our food truck specialists will help you design the truck of your dreams.

Stay up to date on everything Custom Concessions has to offer! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

The post Why You Really Can Make Your Dream Of Becoming A Food Truck Owner Come True appeared first on Custom Concessions.

Everything Custom Concessions Has Ever Published Relating To Breaking Into The Mobile Kitchen Industry http://www.customconcessions.com/everything-custom-concessions-has-ever-published-relating-to-breaking-into-the-mobile-kitchen-industry/ Wed, 07 Mar 2018 23:47:06 +0000 http://www.customconcessions.com/?p=9992 If you are wanting to break into the food truck industry, then consider this article your one-stop shop. After all, below we will be featuring everything we have ever published relating to breaking into the mobile kitchen industry. Everything Custom Concessions Has Ever Published Relating To Breaking Into The Mobile […]

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Mobile Kitchen Industry

If you are wanting to break into the food truck industry, then consider this article your one-stop shop.

After all, below we will be featuring everything we have ever published relating to breaking into the mobile kitchen industry.

Everything Custom Concessions Has Ever Published Relating To Breaking Into The Mobile Kitchen Industry

9.) Questions You Will Likely Have When Trying To Become A Food Truck Owner

Sneak Peek:

Do you want to make family recipes? Is there a specific food concept you love to make? Do you want to create your own concept by combining two concepts together? The choice is yours — just be sure to pick the concept that is right for you, because this is something you shouldn’t change once your shop is open.

8.) Must-Have Qualities If You Want To Become A Food Truck Owner

Sneak Peek:

A Positive Attitude: Having a positive attitude is a must-have, especially when those roadblocks are appearing all the time, and you counter some failure along the way. Just remember: You can be anything you want to be … as long as you are willing to put in the work. If you stay positive, then it will not only keep your motor running, if you will, but it will also rub off on other people, such as family members who are looking to invest, and your customers and employees once you do become a food truck owner. You have to be positive. If you take the other route, which is being negative, then you will likely end up quitting (or not even getting started in the first place). Not to mention, people will start cutting you out of the picture, because no one wants to be around a negative person, especially when they are trying to make their own goals and dreams come true.

7.) 5 Steps You Can Take Right Now To Begin Your Food Truck Journey

Sneak Peek:

If you’re thinking about finally joining the food truck industry, then know these two things: (1) Now is the perfect time to become a food truck owner. (2) Start taking the necessary steps today, even if you don’t plan on joining the mobile kitchen industry until a year or two down the road.

6.) Break Into The Food Truck Industry With These Motivational Quotes

Sneak Peek:

After all, there are a million different things you have to do before you can enter the mobile kitchen industry, like creating a business plan, figuring out permits/rules/laws/regulations, figuring out what you are going to sell (and what your food truck concept is going to be in general), trying to decide where you are going to park your truck (spoiler: you can’t just park your food truck anywhere you want), figuring out if you can afford to hire employees right away or not, deciding on how much you can spend on the foundation of your business, which is your food truck, and the list could go on and on.

5.) 5 Tips For Food Truck Owners Who Are Breaking Into The Industry

Sneak Peek:

Let’s do a two-for-one special here. If what you are cooking is working, then continue to serve up those foods. After all, why would you change up your menu if it is working? On the other hand, and if something isn’t working, fix it by changing up your menu.

4.) Why Should You Enter The Food Truck Industry?

Sneak Peek:

If you want to enter this industry, we say go for it! Just make sure your finances are in order before you make the amazing leap, and also make sure you are prepared to not only be a chef (that’s the easy part, right?), but a business owner as well — because succeeding as a food truck owner takes more than being a wizard in the kitchen. Unfortunately, so many people enter this industry thinking they can make it simply because they are great cooks. That is a huge plus, but if you do not know how to run a business, then you likely won’t be in this industry for long.

3.) 3 All-Star Tips For Folks Who Are Wanting To Purchase A Food Truck

Sneak Peek:

Ideally, you will have a good amount of money saved up before you even become a food truck owner. Ideally, you will have money to fall back on until your business starts making some real cash. If you do that, then you will take a great amount of stress/pressure off of yourself, because you won’t be thinking about trying to come up with enough money to pay rent while also trying to run a food truck business. Basically, your focus should be on running your business, not making enough money to survive.

2.) Don’t Make These Mistakes If You Are Trying To Enter The Food Truck Industry

Sneak Peek:

To help you out along the way, we are about to unleash some common mistakes that folks are making when trying to enter the food truck industry. If you avoid them at all costs, then you will automatically increase your chances of succeeding as a food truck owner. The great part? You will be able to achieve that feat before you even enter this industry!

1.) 5 Issues You Will Face When Trying To Become A Food Truck Owner

Sneak Peek:

With that in mind, here are a couple of things to think about: (1) First and foremost, a food truck is still likely going to be cheaper than opening a sit-down restaurant, which means it is less of a risk. (2) If you start saving money now, then you will eventually have enough money for your dream truck. (3) Food truck financing is available, and it could be a serious game-changer when it comes to you entering the food truck industry.

Want more food truck advice? Check out more blog posts here!

Thinking about starting a food truck? Request a free custom quote and one of our food truck specialists will help you design the truck of your dreams.

Stay up to date on everything Custom Concessions has to offer! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

The post Everything Custom Concessions Has Ever Published Relating To Breaking Into The Mobile Kitchen Industry appeared first on Custom Concessions.

Why Being A Food Truck Owner Should Be Looked At As A Dream Job http://www.customconcessions.com/why-being-a-food-truck-owner-should-be-looked-at-as-a-dream-job/ Wed, 28 Feb 2018 23:39:37 +0000 http://www.customconcessions.com/?p=9915 What is the No. 1 reason why you want to become a food truck owner? Is it because your passion is cooking food, and you’ve always dreamed about taking it to the next level by cooking for a living? Perhaps you want to own your own business, and you see […]

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The post Why Being A Food Truck Owner Should Be Looked At As A Dream Job appeared first on Custom Concessions.

Dream Job

What is the No. 1 reason why you want to become a food truck owner?

Is it because your passion is cooking food, and you’ve always dreamed about taking it to the next level by cooking for a living? Perhaps you want to own your own business, and you see food trucks as reasonably priced and a great opportunity. Maybe you are looking for something new and you think it would be fun to be a food truck owner.

Whatever the case might be, we want to make this point perfectly clear: Being a food truck owner should be viewed as a dream job.

After all, as a food truck owner, you can run your own business and don’t answer to a boss. You can work whenever you want, plus you get to be a manager and leader (if you hire employees). The list could go on and on. These reasons alone make this a very exciting industry for so many different people. And then you add the chef aspect into the equation…

Once you do that, then this truly becomes a dream job for an overwhelming amount of people. Some people dream of running their own kitchens and being able to focus on their passion of cooking every day. Well, the food truck industry provides that opportunity.

Not only that, but the food truck industry tends to be a friendly. This is because of the simple fact that so many owners are building amazing communities at their food truck businesses.

Add in the fact that an owner gets to be as creative as he/she wants to be. It’s no wonder why food trucks are popping up all across America.

The really cool part? You can be as successful as you want to be in this industry. There is no cap on how much money you can make. As an example, plenty of food truck owners end up opening multiple food trucks. Some owners even add on a sit-down restaurant on top of the food trucks they already own and operate. Some owners also franchise their trucks. Needless to say, the possibilities are endless in this industry.

If you are willing to work hard in this industry, the sky is truly the limit. That is one of the many different reasons why being a food truck owner is so fulfilling. Not to mention, every day provides a new adventure.

Dream Job

Being a food truck owner really is a dream job for so many different reasons. We want to help you make your goals and dreams come true by building the truck of your dreams.

If you aren’t sure how much your dream mobile kitchen will cost, make sure to request a custom quote here.

We also encourage you to check out our recent projects. This will give you an idea of the work we do, and what your future food truck could look like.

If you are looking for advice, then we also have you covered in that department. Below, you will find three articles that are perfect for aspiring owners.

5 Issues You Will Face When Trying To Become A Food Truck Owner

Sneak peek from the article:

Acceptance From Everyone You Know

There are likely two different kinds of people in your life: (1) The ones who support you, and (2) the ones who don’t, which is why you are going to deal with the issue of acceptance from everyone you know when trying to break into this industry.

Needless to say, you are going to have plenty of naysayers — you know, people who don’t support your dreams, and tell you they can’t be done. This is quite the challenge because these naysayers are going to be people you love, people who you thought believed in you.

We are here to say this: Don’t let the naysayers take you down with them — always follow your heart and your dreams! This is your life. And you can do anything you want with it, such as becoming a chef in the food truck industry.

Cons Of Purchasing A Cheap Food Truck

Sneak peek from the article:

A cheap food truck might be unreliable, and if that is the case, then it is eventually going to break down. Not only is that going to cost you a ton of money to fix — well, depending on what breaks, and how frequently things go out of commission on your truck — but you will be losing money every single day your truck is getting fixed/not selling food.

If your truck breaks down more often than not, or if you miss a food truck event/catering gig as a result of something breaking down, then you could lose credibility. Not only could that lead to you not getting hired again by the person who hired you in the first place but it could hurt your chances of landing catering gigs in general.

7 Random Things All Prospective Food Truck Owners Need To Consider

Sneak peek from the article:

Do I Need To Move To Run A Successful Food Truck Business?

You say you want to run a food truck business, and that’s great! However, if you don’t live in an area with a lot of foot traffic/tourism/a busy area, then you should probably think about moving.

Your return customers (which might only be friends and family in the beginning) are not going to eat at your lunch truck every day. Therefore, you need to be in an area in which a ton of people cross paths with your food truck business. If that is not the case/if you live extremely far from this type of area, then you might want to think about moving.

Want more food truck advice? Check out more blog posts here!

Thinking about starting a food truck? Request a free custom quote and one of our food truck specialists will help you design the truck of your dreams.

Stay up to date on everything Custom Concessions has to offer! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

The post Why Being A Food Truck Owner Should Be Looked At As A Dream Job appeared first on Custom Concessions.
