custom Archives - Custom Concessions Wed, 08 Jan 2020 20:57:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 custom Archives - Custom Concessions 32 32 7 Benefits of Buying a New Customized Food Truck Mon, 04 Nov 2019 06:00:48 +0000 Looks like food trucks are getting the green light. According to this report, more people are electing to expand the industry by adding new food truck-based businesses to the menu. Thinking about starting your own food truck? Before you hit the road and chow down on new business ideas, it helps to […]

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photograph of a blue food truck selling fish and chips parked in an urban area with a long line of customers

Looks like food trucks are getting the green light. According to this report, more people are electing to expand the industry by adding new food truck-based businesses to the menu.

Thinking about starting your own food truck? Before you hit the road and chow down on new business ideas, it helps to consider your options. First of all, are you buying a new, customized food truck, or going with a used one?

For most people, a customized truck is the better bet. 

Here are seven reasons to consider getting a customized food truck. Take a bite out of these benefits!

1. Equipment & Layout

Purchasing a customized food truck instead of a used one puts you in the driver’s seat. With a new truck, you get to decide the equipment you use, the layout, the bells and whistles—everything. Otherwise, you’re left with the existing layout, which can limit your equipment choices. 

Every type of cuisine requires different pieces of equipment. Depending on the type of food you’re serving, you’ll need to choose specific equipment. Otherwise, you might find yourself making changes to the menu. 

Removing old commercial cooking equipment and replacing it with new stock isn’t cheap. It’s also not as easy as buying a new blender or microwave. Instead, you have to find equipment that’s suited for your truck’s outlets and plumbing. 

By purchasing a customized food truck, you decide the layout first. 

Instead of getting stuck with equipment that’s already installed, you can determine what equipment you need based on your cuisine. 

You can even search through different brands of commercial cooking equipment. Don’t get stuck with cheap options in a previously owned food truck. Purchasing a brand new food truck means you can make it your own!

photo of a food truck interior showing a sanitation sink, stove, sandwich prep table, refrigerators and other appliances

2. Minimize Potential Issues

It’s important to choose a vehicle that’s reliable and safe for you and your team. After all, this is your place of business! You don’t want to take a used food truck on the open road and have it breakdown on a busy intersection. 

If the vehicle breaks down, you can’t just operate elsewhere.

Instead, you have to pay for repairs. In addition to the cost of getting the truck fixed, you’re also losing money for each day you’re out of business.

Don’t leave yourself with the stress of dealing with mechanical issues and costs. 

If this happens often, your customers will start to take notice. They might elect to grab a bite to eat elsewhere after your truck repeatedly breaks down. 

For some people, buying a used food truck that breaks down breaks their business, too. 

Instead, keep your food truck up and running! Purchasing a brand new food truck can help you get the peace of mind you need.

You’ll know you and your team are safe and that you can stay open for business. Plus, your customers will know they can rely on you for a good meal, too.

3. Easy Warranties

For any business, it’s important to have a backup plan. That’s where your warranties come in.

When you purchase an old, previously used food truck, warranties probably won’t come along with it. If anything happens to the food truck, you’re straight out of luck! You could end up paying an exorbitant amount of money to deal with the damages. 

Often when purchasing a new truck, you’ll find that a number of warranties are available to you to protect the various pieces of equipment in your truck.

Some food truck builders even offer warranties on their custom manufacturing work.

By choosing to purchase a custom food truck, you’ll have the peace of mind that these warranties are there to protect you in case an accident occurs. 

4. Health Codes

Whether you buy a used food truck or a new one, you’re going to need to make sure you’re meeting all the health codes.

If you purchase a previously owned food truck that operated in a different location, however, it’s probably not up to code for use in your city. Health codes can vary widely depending on the location. 

Why bother purchasing a food truck that you can’t use in your own city? Instead of hitting that roadblock, skip the stress. Buy a customized food truck that’s built with your city’s health codes in mind. 

That way, you’ll have a guarantee that you can operate where you intend to run your truck. 

photo of a food truck interior showing ovens, stove, fryers, exhaust hood, proofing cabinet, refrigerator, and other kitchen equipment

5. Nice & Clean

Over the years, food trucks experience a lot of wear and tear.

Imagine the grease build-up, mildew, or other potential health-risk issues that could be lurking under the surface in a used truck.

When you purchase a customized food truck, you start with a clean slate—literally. You won’t have to worry about the previous owners or what they left growing in the fridge. Instead, you can start your food truck business with a clean place to work. 

6. Big Picture Costs

The food truck industry is expected to reach $985 million in 2019. Many people choose to buy a used food truck because it seems cheaper—at a glance. However, you have to consider the big picture.

When you purchase a used food truck, you still have to pay for updated equipment, possible changes, and potential repairs. If the truck keeps breaking down, those costs will add up over time.

You might end up paying more for a used food truck than a brand new one.

7. Larger Selection

When you search for a food truck, buying a used truck limits your options. You can only select sizes, equipment, and layouts you can find.

Why waste time searching when you know exactly what you’re looking for?

By purchasing a customized food truck, you make the decisions. You’re not limited to what’s for sale. Instead, you can design the truck to match exactly what you have in mind.

Meals on New Wheels

Ready to hit the road? Discover our food truck options and request a quote for your food truck today.

Want more food truck advice? Check out more blog posts here!

Thinking about starting a food truck? Request a free custom quote and one of our food truck specialists will help you design the truck of your dreams.

Stay up to date on everything Custom Concessions has to offer! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

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10 Benefits of Building a Custom Food Truck Designed for Your Business Mon, 30 Sep 2019 13:15:21 +0000 The food truck industry is growing faster than the traditional restaurant. In fact, more restaurants are using mobile services to expand their businesses. As popularity is growing, the need for an attractive and functional vehicle is at an all-time high.  In order to reap the benefits of the food truck industry, investing the money […]

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blue vintage food truck parked in urban setting

The food truck industry is growing faster than the traditional restaurant. In fact, more restaurants are using mobile services to expand their businesses.

As popularity is growing, the need for an attractive and functional vehicle is at an all-time high. 

In order to reap the benefits of the food truck industry, investing the money in a custom truck can make your new venture fun and more profitable. 

Here are the top 10 reasons to convert your culinary business into a unique, one-of-a-kind vehicle. 

1. Mobile Advertising

One of the benefits of owning a food truck is that your logo travels with you. Driving around town allows you to market your company for free. 

This can have a direct effect on your restaurant business as people will recognize the name when they search for their next meal online. You can also add pictures of your food and restaurant location to become a mobile billboard.

2. Gain New Customer Base

Some people are food truck junkies. They seek out new trucks to add to their list of favorites. These types of people may have never set foot in your restaurant or have heard of it until it has gone mobile. 

By adding a second location, you gain new customers who may never have heard of your restaurant otherwise. 

3. Introduce New Menu Items

Starting a food truck means inventing a tiny new restaurant. And with it comes a new menu. You want to market toward the type of people who want good food fast. 

Cooking in a truck is also different than in a commercial kitchen. It is small and may not include all of the appliances that you have in your restaurant. Consider adapting your current menu with simpler takes on customer favorites. 

Tailoring your food to be simple and quick will keep down the maintenance and cook time required. 

4. Participate in Community Events

When thinking about how to open a food truck and gaining a local presence, consider attending local events. You can join many of the social gatherings that cater to food truck businesses. 

With a restaurant, you are stuck in one location. As a mobile service, you can bring food to the party

5. Expand Your Business

Looking for ways to get more business may include adding a delivery service, offering coupons, sending out mailings, and marketing through traditional means. You may even have considered opening another location or franchising. 

By having a custom food truck, you can expand without a huge marketing budget and without using a brick and mortar location. Food trucks are much cheaper than restaurants to design and maintain.

Another plus is the simplicity of having a smaller operation—you do not need to hire a full staff to operate a truck. Just few employees can run a mobile service.

6. Build Social Media Presence

Buying a food truck helps promote your following online. Many trucks post on social media their daily locations. When your reputation for tasty treats expands, so does your social media presence. 

People start looking for your truck and when it will be in their area. This makes for a devoted customer base, especially during the business lunch hour. Professionals love to get out of the office when a food truck is nearby. 

7. Get Creative

Besides being great for your business, having a custom food truck gives you a chance to design a whole new look.

Food trucks want to be noticed, so you can go all out with the theme. People should be able to spot your truck from afar. Also, this is your chance to have fun by thinking outside the box.

Your restaurant may be fancy or conservative, but your food truck can be a more inventive interpretation of your cuisine. 

8. Travel to New Neighborhoods

The great thing about a mobile business is that you can travel to areas where people might not know your name yet.

Most restaurant-goers stay in their own neighborhood when choosing a place for dinner. When you bring the restaurant to them, they might love your food so much that they will make the drive to check out your establishment.

9. Match Your Brand

When designing your own food truck, you have the ability to make it cohesive to your restaurant brand. Use the same logo as your restaurant and represent your overall marketing strategy. 

Although your menu might be different, it should be an extension of your main menu. Make sure that you market with unity in mind.

10. Make it Comfortable

Buying a food truck and making it your own gives you the ability to make it functional. You can customize your cooking, serving, and prep area according to the type of food you serve. 

Food trucks are smaller than a typical restaurant kitchen, so making the space work for you is essential to success. 

You also want to make sure that your customer is comfortable by adding things like a canopy to shield them from the elements. Offer entertainment with outdoor speakers for music. And make sure your menu is attractive and visible. 

Getting Started with a Food Truck

The first step in starting your food truck business is finding and designing the vehicle.

Make sure you have the means to cook, store, and transfer food safely by contacting us for a quote. Tell us your needs and we can ensure you will be prepared for going mobile.

Want more food truck advice? Check out more blog posts here!

Thinking about starting a food truck? Request a free custom quote and one of our food truck specialists will help you design the truck of your dreams.

Stay up to date on everything Custom Concessions has to offer! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

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Are Food Trucks Profitable? 9 Steps to Running Your Own Business Mon, 16 Sep 2019 06:00:37 +0000 The food truck industry is more popular than ever before. But, are food trucks profitable?  That depends on if you know how to do it right. There are many motivations for ditching the brick-and-mortar model in favor of the flexibility of food trucks.  You can experiment with new recipes and ideas. You get […]

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focus on a tip jar with some dollar bills inside and out of focus restaurant in the background

The food truck industry is more popular than ever before. But, are food trucks profitable? 

That depends on if you know how to do it right. There are many motivations for ditching the brick-and-mortar model in favor of the flexibility of food trucks. 

You can experiment with new recipes and ideas. You get to reach out to your audience rather than wait for them to come to you.

And yet, many people still wonder how to realize the dream of running their own food truck business. Follow our 9 steps to get your food truck business on the road.

1. Know Your Target Market 

You need to know your target market. If you’re selling tacos in your food truck to a bunch of people who don’t like tacos you’re not going to last very long.

two people of color eating ice cream cones

Do your homework before you launch your enterprise. Sure, you can go to your customers rather than having them come to you.

But, that also means that you’ve got to find out where your customers are going to be. If you have regular spots, then your regular customers will know where to find you, won’t they?

It’s also essential that you know who your competition is. Are you a Cuban sandwich food truck? Don’t park up next to another truck selling the same thing as you.

2. Develop Your Food Truck Brand

You probably already know what type of food you’re going to sell. You should build your brand around the same theme.

Do you provide organic and vegan dishes? Are you a gourmet pizza truck? Your unique selling point is your amazingly delicious food.

You need to pick a name that is totally original. You don’t want to discover that another food truck has the same name. 

Therefore, probably stay away from another play-on-words, such as things that end in “on wheels.” They’re already taken, trust us!

Then, have a logo designed that’s consistent with your brand image. This can be anything, but make sure it’s memorable and eye-catching.

3. Put Together a Business Plan

Around 60 percent of food trucks fail within the first few years. What makes you different? You need a business plan to be able to handle the challenges that come your way.

hands making business related doodles in a notebook

You may have lots of ideas in your head. But, you need to get them down on paper if you want to realize them!

Start with a description of your business. This includes everything from your mission statement, your business concept, and your target market.

You should conduct a market analysis. You want to know the market trends, information about competitors and your customer base.

Next, your organizational matters need to be taken care of. Who is responsible for what? If you’re in charge of everything by yourself, then this part is simple.

You should also consider creating a marketing plan and financial information. It’s important you stay organized. Running a business isn’t the same as cooking!

4. Acquire Registrations and Licenses

You should know that you can’t simply buy a truck and start selling food out of it straight away. No, you need to jump through some hoops before you can get started!

You need to get your hands on a food permit license and a business license to operate legally. There may be other permits depending on your location, such as a health permit or a food safety certificate.

Remember, since you’re a food truck, you’re able to cross state borders, but you need to have the proper permits to operate in a new location. While this is unlike brick-and-mortar restaurants, you’re still subject to many of the same rules and regulations.

5. Get the Money Together 

If you don’t already have the funding, you need to secure it from somewhere. You can start saving, but depending on how much disposable income is available to you, that could take a while.

Of course, you can take out a business or personal loan. Or you could consider other options to give you the capital you need, like crowdfunding or finding investors. Having a good business plan will be critical at this point, as most banks and investors won’t want to back a project that hasn’t been well planned and demonstrated profitability.

woman holding a menu and a colorful drink

6. Design Your Food Menu 

Your food menu is one of the first things that will draw customers to come to your food truck. 

Many trucks use a signboard or chalkboard to display the dishes of the day. This is perfect if you’re regularly changing your menu.

Ensure that everything is listed clearly with the price as well. The best performing food trucks often have simple menus, which means that they can focus on perfecting just a few key dishes.  

7. Setting Up Your Food Truck

Your food truck builder will work with you to ensure that you have everything you need on your food truck. Think about what kind of food you want to serve, and how that will affect what appliances you will need on your truck. If you are planning to serve ice cream, you’ll need a dipping case. If you’re going to open a mobile coffee shop, you’ll need an espresso machine on board.

You’ll also need to insure your truck. There are a bunch of different types of insurance to consider. You want to check every box to ensure that everything is legit for your food truck business. 

8. Promote Your Food Truck Business

Sure, your food truck itself is your biggest advertising asset. You can promote your business with an eye-catching display on the side of your truck.

However, you also need to consider other ways to boost your food truck. This includes social media. Ensure that you’re an active social media promoter. 

You can tweet about your latest menu and post pictures on Instagram of your delicious dishes. You may also want to invest in flyers to distribute on community boards.

man leaning down over steaming bowls of Vietnamese food

9. Begin Selling Food and Making Money 

Now that you’re up and running with your food truck business, there’s nothing to stop you going from strength to strength.

Just keep making delicious snacks and yummy dishes. Customers are always eager to try something new.

Are Food Trucks Profitable?

If you follow our tips you can make your food truck business a success. Are food trucks profitable? That part is up to you!

Do you have a brick-and-mortar restaurant? You can branch out by launching a second location from a food truck, or by offering food delivery from your existing location. Check out this blog post to learn how.

Want more food truck advice? Check out more blog posts here!

Thinking about starting a food truck? Request a free custom quote and one of our food truck specialists will help you design the truck of your dreams.

Stay up to date on everything Custom Concessions has to offer! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

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Park Your Truck Here: How to Break Into Your Local Food Truck Scene Mon, 05 Aug 2019 06:00:10 +0000 You’ve been waiting for this: your food truck is finally ready to go! You can’t wait to get out and start wowing your local food scene with all the delicious dishes you’ve created. You can just see yourself, cooking up a storm, leaving customers stuffed and satisfied, parked right by… […]

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an antique-looking sign surrounded by palm trees that reads "food trucks" with an arrow pointing downward

You’ve been waiting for this: your food truck is finally ready to go! You can’t wait to get out and start wowing your local food scene with all the delicious dishes you’ve created. You can just see yourself, cooking up a storm, leaving customers stuffed and satisfied, parked right by… what?

Where are you actually going to park your truck, now that you think of it? Where can you go to drum up the business you need to make your food truck successful?

Read on for some ideas on how to find the right places to get your business booming.

Find Other Food Trucks

One of the best ways to get an idea of where you can park your truck is by finding other food trucks in the area. See if your city, county, or state has a food truck association where you can get advice from other owners.

You could even look up to see where existing food trucks are parking to get ideas. Just be sure that you don’t encroach too much on their territory, or steal their business. That’s one sure way to earn the resentment of veteran food truck owners in your area.

Consider parking in popular spots on alternating days when other food trucks are at different locations. This will keep both fellow food truck owners and potential customers happy: you won’t be competing with another food truck for business, and you’ll be offering something new on days when customers might not have many choices.

Consider Community Events

The most popular places for food trucks are often at community events, like carnivals, fairs, festivals, bazaars, and markets. These typically draw larger crowds than you would find organically, and setting up at one can broaden your customer base. If people really like the food you’re serving, they will try to find you at places you park in the future.

Contact your city or county’s chamber of commerce to find out what upcoming events could be a fit for your truck. Search on Facebook for events coming up near you, and check out the official tourism website for your city. You might even consider signing up for current events newsletters serving your area.

Be sure to find out what requirements there might be for you to show up at these events: you may have to register or pay a vendor fee to be included, rather than just showing up and setting up.

Book Private Parties

Another stream of revenue you can pursue for your food truck business is catering for private events. Catering like this can often get you returning customers who will keep coming back when they need another event catered.

See what businesses in your area would be interested in booking your truck for corporate events. Attend networking events or business expos to get an idea of what businesses present in your area might be interested in your services. You could also contact nonprofits in your area to pitch your food truck, as many fundraisers are food-based.

Another type of event where food trucks are gaining traction is at weddings. Having a food truck is a fun and unique way for guests to celebrate and lots of couples are embracing the trend!

Try taking out an advertisement in your local wedding magazine. Talk to wedding venues about how to become one of their preferred catering vendors.

Once you feel out the local wedding scene, you might decide it’s worth diving deeper; you might even want to see about attending wedding expos, alongside other caterers. That way you can let your food speak for itself by offering samples. People will be much more likely to book your truck for a large event if they’ve experienced how delicious your food is.

Get Your Name Out There

If you want to start building a customer base, you need to make it easy for customers to find you. Make yourself a Facebook page and post your daily locations and specials. Share your spot of the day on your Instagram story each morning when you move somewhere different.

Another important part of getting and retaining customers is building brand recognition. This means that when people see your truck it is instantly recognizable to them, and they associate your food with it.

Make sure you have a logo that clearly identifies you, and get it wrapped on your truck. Use it on all your social media accounts and your website if you have one. That way, customers will be able to recognize you in person when they find you online, and vice versa.

Break Into Your Local Food Truck Scene

So get out there! Start doing your research, and don’t be afraid to ask lots of questions. Talk to other local food truck or business owners, research events in your area, get your catering game in gear, and market your truck like nobody’s business.

If you haven’t got a food truck yet, or are looking to upgrade that old clunker you’ve been operating from, contact us. We can help you design the perfect truck, whatever your food truck business looks like.

Want more food truck advice? Check out more blog posts here!

Thinking about starting a food truck? Request a free custom quote and one of our food truck specialists will help you design the truck of your dreams.

Stay up to date on everything Custom Concessions has to offer! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

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5 Profitable Reasons You Should Start Your Own Mobile Bar Today! Mon, 01 Jul 2019 07:00:28 +0000 There are over 70,000 bars in the U.S. alone. There’s little doubt that the bar industry is a booming one, so breaking into it with a mobile bar truck is a great idea for anyone looking to run their own business. But what exactly are the benefits of running a bar on […]

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The post 5 Profitable Reasons You Should Start Your Own Mobile Bar Today! appeared first on Custom Concessions.

Man serving draft beer in a disposable cup

There are over 70,000 bars in the U.S. alone. There’s little doubt that the bar industry is a booming one, so breaking into it with a mobile bar truck is a great idea for anyone looking to run their own business. But what exactly are the benefits of running a bar on wheels?

Here are 5 profitable reasons you should start your own mobile bar today.

High Demand

The bar industry is worth about $23 billion and that number is only expected to grow. There’s little doubt that we live in a thriving drinking culture so breaking into the bar industry with a mobile bar truck is a solid investment for those willing to put the work in.

As for demand: us humans can never pass up the opportunity for a good party. Weddings, birthdays, and other celebrations remain a staple in the U.S. and beyond. And where there’s a celebration, you can expect the need for a well-stocked bar.

Varied Work

Unlike traditional brick-and-mortar bars, a mobile bar thrives on versatility. That means the events you’ll be working can range anywhere from a lavish wedding, to a food-truck market, to a corporate event.

This versatility lends your business the ability to fluctuate with industry ebbs and flows. Weddings might be your bread and butter but during the off-season, you can supplement your roster with market appearances or holiday celebrations, and vice versa.

Be Your Own Boss

Running a business can be one of the most rewarding things you’ve ever done. And the great thing about helming a mobile bar is just how much control you have over the business as a whole.

No more answering to bosses out of touch with the day to day minutia of the job. You’re your own boss, able to work hands-on in a vocation you’re passionate about.

Minimal Overhead

A brick-and-mortar bar comes with a slew of expensive overhead costs. Rent, utilities, licensing – it can all add up to make the running of the business a lesson in stress.

A mobile bar, on the other hand, is comparatively cheap to set up and maintain. Once bought, your vehicle is yours outright with only maintenance checks and costs associated. Once you’ve factored in liquor licensing, advertising, and stock, everything else is money in your own pocket.

High Earning Potential

With average revenue per employee sitting at a comfortable $75,000 per year, the bar industry is a lucrative one to break into. 

At the end of the day, your earnings will reflect how much work you put into the business. Sinking effort into marketing, promotion, and sales will put your business in a much better position to earn big bucks.

Start Your Own Mobile Bar

A mobile bar is one of the best ways to break into the thriving bar industry. Setting up a bar on wheels requires minimal overhead with the opportunity for high earnings and varied work. It’s also an excellent way to be your own boss.

Want more food truck advice? Check out more blog posts here!

Thinking about starting a food truck? Request a free custom quote and one of our food truck specialists will help you design the truck of your dreams.

Stay up to date on everything Custom Concessions has to offer! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

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Debunking Myths About the Food Truck Industry Mon, 24 Jun 2019 07:00:55 +0000 In 2018, the food truck industry was worth over $2 billion dollars and was growing at a rate of close to 5%.  If you were thinking about getting into the food truck industry, you’re not alone. Starting a food truck service isn’t what you think though. We debunk the theories about the […]

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black and white photo of a burrito and taco food truck at night

In 2018, the food truck industry was worth over $2 billion dollars and was growing at a rate of close to 5%. 

If you were thinking about getting into the food truck industry, you’re not alone.

Starting a food truck service isn’t what you think though. We debunk the theories about the industry one myth at a time.

Myth #1: Food Trucks Are Worse than Restaurants for the Environment

Restaurant owners may have started this myth, but they claimed that food trucks caused more pollution and traffic. However, most food trucks spend much more of their time parked in a parking lot than driving around.

Food trucks also have a much smaller physical footprint than restaurants with permanent locations, so there is less power needed to keep them going. They also don’t have to waste energy on heating or cooling a large eating area for customers. Some trucks even run off of the vegetable oil that they create from their business! This cuts down the cost for fuel for them as well as carbon emissions.

Myth #2: They Can Park Anywhere

Food trucks cannot park anywhere; they are governed by laws and ordinances. If they park illegally, they will most likely get a ticket for it.

Depending on where you are trying to start your business, you should check with your city’s food truck laws. Food truck parking can become really competitive. Sometimes the amount of time you can park in a given spot is limited as well. 

You also have to be strategic with where you park your food truck. Some cities or states will say that you have to park within a few hundred feet of a bathroom. 

Myth #3: Food Trucks Don’t Have to Pay Rent

No, food trucks don’t have to pay rent. However, they have to pay for things that can be just as expensive as rent, such as: 

  • Permits
  • Licenses
  • Gasoline/fuel
  • The truck
  • Truck maintenance
  • Taxes

Some food trucks even rent out a different commercial kitchen so they can store ingredients and prepare some of the food before they roll out to their next destination. 

Myth #4: To Open A Food Truck You Need Investors

If you are thinking about starting a food truck business, people may have told you that you will need investors to start. 

However, only a small percentage of food trucks actually start this way. Most food trucks start out on their own money without other people to help them. So don’t let a lack of investors halt your process of starting a food truck business. 

Myth #5: Opening A Food Truck Is Easy

This is a very common misconception. Just because you won’t have to maintain a brick and mortar restaurant, doesn’t mean you don’t be doing any work.

You will spend a lot of time managing the business, and you will also have to be available for various food truck events.

However, in the end, it will definitely be worth it

Get Involved in the Food Truck Industry Today

The food truck industry can be rewarding to work in, especially if you are passionate about it.

The first thing you will need to start your business is an idea. Then you need a truck. Contact us we can help you outfit your food truck with everything you need!

Want more food truck advice? Check out more blog posts here!

Thinking about starting a food truck? Request a free custom quote and one of our food truck specialists will help you design the truck of your dreams.

Stay up to date on everything Custom Concessions has to offer! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

The post Debunking Myths About the Food Truck Industry appeared first on Custom Concessions.

Food Truck Insurance: All You Need To Know To Get Going! Mon, 10 Jun 2019 07:00:51 +0000 You’ve opened your food truck and everything is just perfect. The food is wonderful, guests are loving it, and you are making some good money. Then… Disaster strikes. Something is wrong! Oh no. You realize… you didn’t get any type of food truck insurance. How are you supposed to keep […]

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young food truck worker stands in colorful food truck scanning customer's credit card

You’ve opened your food truck and everything is just perfect. The food is wonderful, guests are loving it, and you are making some good money. Then…

Disaster strikes. Something is wrong! Oh no. You realize… you didn’t get any type of food truck insurance.

How are you supposed to keep your new, amazing business afloat?

The good news is that getting food truck insurance is very simple and can be done before you even open your new food truck business!

Is Food Truck Insurance Really Necessary?

The answer to this question is, yes, absolutely!

Not only do you need insurance for your business, but you have to remember that you also are running the business out of a vehicle.

Legally, you need to have at least commercial vehicle insurance on the mobile kitchen itself. In addition to this, a lot of food truck owners will get other coverage as well, such as general liability, to make sure that they are covered in other unexpected instances.

Owning a food truck is a big deal! Protect your business with insurance. Not only that, but show others that you care enough about the business you have created to cover it with quality insurance.

Food trucks come with a lot of extra things that normal trucks don’t have, such as refrigerators, temperature controlled compartments, freezers, heat sources, or storage space. You need to protect your truck and all of the assets that go with it.

What Type of Insurance Is Needed For a Food Truck?

The first thing to consider is that although you can get some great advice online, you should always consult an insurance broker or a lawyer to make sure that you are getting the exact type of insurance you need.

You need to at least have vehicle insurance starting on the first day that you purchase the food truck. You can wait a little bit on getting other types of insurance, but vehicle insurance is very important if you plan to drive or move your food truck around.

Other types of coverage you will need are for your vehicle, your business, and your employees. This will generally include:

  • Commercial auto liability insurance
  • Commercial property insurance
  • Workers’ compensation insurance
  • General commercial liability insurance

On average, food truck insurance is going to cost between $300 and $600 per month, but it really depends on the type of coverage that you get and how much your food truck sells each year.

Getting Your Insurance Set Up Today

Now that you have learned a little more about food truck insurance, you likely are aware of how important it is and are possibly ready to get your own policy!

The good news is that setting up a new policy is not terribly difficult, but it is important to choose the right one for your business.

Protecting your business from the very beginning is one of the best things you can do as a new food truck owner.

If you’d like to learn about how to turn your food truck business into a mobile catering business, check out this blog article about how to make it happen. It can be a lucrative way to get more of your food out there, while also making a bigger name for yourself.

Want more food truck advice? Check out more blog posts here!

Thinking about starting a food truck? Request a free custom quote and one of our food truck specialists will help you design the truck of your dreams.

Stay up to date on everything Custom Concessions has to offer! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

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Food Truck License 101: Everything You Need To Know Mon, 27 May 2019 07:00:53 +0000 $800 million. That’s how much the food truck industry is worth right now, and it’s expected to grow another 20% in 2019. Do you want a piece of that pie? Whether you’re a brick and mortar store looking to go mobile or you’re just getting into the food biz, here are a few things […]

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small gray vintage food truck named "the little cafe" parked in front of a row and trees and some ice cream carts

$800 million. That’s how much the food truck industry is worth right now, and it’s expected to grow another 20% in 2019. Do you want a piece of that pie?

Whether you’re a brick and mortar store looking to go mobile or you’re just getting into the food biz, here are a few things you need to know about getting a food truck license.

Types of Food Truck Licenses and Permits

Unfortunately, there isn’t one license or permit that you can acquire and be on the road with. There is a lot that goes into making mobile businesses legal.

Licenses and Registration

When it comes to serving food, there are a lot of legalities involved. Businesses require licenses, and even though food trucks are mobile and typically more laid back, they’re still a business. 

You’ll first need a business license. The cost of attaining your business license varies from county to county.

In addition to your business license, you’ll need to make your vehicle legal by registering and licensing it. Again, the cost varies depending on where you’re registering. Your vehicle registration will be commercial instead of private use since this won’t be your everyday ride.

Get the Right Permits

There are a lot of permits that go into getting your food truck on the road. A lot of tips out there can also help to make it a little bit easier, but in order to really learn what needs to be done, you have to dive on in.

There are a few different permits you will need to get things going. You will need a seller’s permit, a food handling permit, and a health department permit. 

In addition, don’t overlook the need for insurance. Not only will you need insurance for the actual vehicle, but you’ll need insurance for liability and any employees (worker’s compensation). 

Typically, your local health department can assist in giving you the information you need for your specific location.

Check for Local Laws and Restrictions

You may be required to go through more permitting and licensing in one city than in the next. Be sure to research your laws and restrictions based on what city you live in.

While some cities just require licensure and permits, other cities are more stringent when it comes to food trucks. That said, your city may also have restrictions on where you can park your truck and when. Make sure you know all the laws in your city to avoid financial penalties or loss of license or permits.

Before you’re able to get started, a health inspector will visit and check things out to make sure everything is above board, healthy, and in good working order. 

Get on the Road

Unfortunately, there is no one food truck license that you can pay for and get started on your dream of being a food truck owner. A lot goes into cultivating a business that’s going to last.

One thing that’s for sure is that you will need the best of the best when it comes to your food truck.

Want more food truck advice? Check out more blog posts here!

Thinking about starting a food truck? Request a free custom quote and one of our food truck specialists will help you design the truck of your dreams.

Stay up to date on everything Custom Concessions has to offer! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

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How To Start A Food Truck: Inspiration From Some Of The Best In America Mon, 20 May 2019 07:00:09 +0000 If you’ve been thinking of opening a food truck for some time, good for you! Taking the dive into the food truck industry can be a very rewarding experience. As with all investments, you need to have a plan before you charge in headfirst. Let’s take a look at how […]

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smiling food truck workers serve drinks to a group of young people from their food truck service window

If you’ve been thinking of opening a food truck for some time, good for you! Taking the dive into the food truck industry can be a very rewarding experience. As with all investments, you need to have a plan before you charge in headfirst.

Let’s take a look at how to start a food truck, with advice from some of the best in the business. By the end of this post, you should have some tangible advice and tools that you can implement for your business.

How To Start A Food Truck

There are three things that you need to do to get your food truck started. First, you need to get the proper documentation for your business. Second, you need to have a plan for how you’re going to succeed in your business. Last but not least, you need to be hands-on in your food truck.

1. Establish Yourself as a Business

It can be frightening to put yourself into the position of starting a business. It makes it all real. But you will never get anywhere unless you take the first step!

There are a few very important things you’ll need to do as you get started. You want to make sure that you’ve registered your business and that you have all the permits you’ll need to operate. Different cities have different rules and laws, so be sure to do some research on your own city’s rules about food trucks.

2. Have a Plan of Attack

If you want to be profitable and have a sustainable business, you need to have a plan ready. Whether that’s your food truck’s theme, where you’re parking for the day, or contingency plans in case something breaks, you need to have a plan.

To kick things off, write a good business plan for your food truck. You need to know what type of numbers you should be hitting once you’ve started working. You should also understand how much you’ll need to invest in the early stages.

3. Be Hands-On

Ask anyone who’s worked on a food truck: it’s not an easy job. As the owner of a food truck, you need to be a hands-on owner for your food truck.

Vacation days are going to be rare. Most days, you’re going to get up early to prep your ingredients and you’ll close late to clean up your stations. A food truck is tough and requires a lot of time and energy. But aside from all that, it can also be incredibly rewarding and enjoyable.

No Time Like The Present

If you’re interested or you’ve been planning to start your very own food truck, there’s no better time to start than the present. It might be time to find a food truck for yourself. Get a menu set up, do some taste tests, and hit the road.

If you’re looking for some resources on how to start a food truck, or how to supplement your current restaurant with a pop-up location, we have some great blog articles that may help you out. We look forward to seeing your food truck out on the road!

Want more food truck advice? Check out more blog posts here!

Thinking about starting a food truck? Request a free custom quote and one of our food truck specialists will help you design the truck of your dreams.

Stay up to date on everything Custom Concessions has to offer! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

The post How To Start A Food Truck: Inspiration From Some Of The Best In America appeared first on Custom Concessions.

3 Essential Tips On How To Pass Food Truck Health Inspections Mon, 13 May 2019 06:00:39 +0000 Whether you’re slingin’ salami on rye or tossin’ tacos with extra guac, a bad health inspection could mean the end to your snack-mobile!  The food truck industry is growing; it’s now over a 2 billion dollar industry. You’ll want to make sure you pass your health inspections so you can grab a piece of […]

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The post 3 Essential Tips On How To Pass Food Truck Health Inspections appeared first on Custom Concessions.

burgers and fries sitting on a food truck counter. Chef is visible in background preparing other food.

Whether you’re slingin’ salami on rye or tossin’ tacos with extra guac, a bad health inspection could mean the end to your snack-mobile! 

The food truck industry is growing; it’s now over a 2 billion dollar industry. You’ll want to make sure you pass your health inspections so you can grab a piece of that [pizza] pie.

We’ve compiled a few tips to help you make the grade and keep your food truck grillin’ and rollin’. Feast your eyes on the facts below.

Food Truck Health Inspection Basics

Just like regular, non-van-based restaurants, food trucks are subject to health inspections. The goal of the health inspector is not to be a jerk and come down on you for trying to make a buck with your chuck, but to keep the public safe. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control, 48 Million people get some form of foodborne illness every year. 3,000 people die each year from foodborne illnesses, so it’s safe to say that the health inspector has a very important job.

There are 3 different types of health inspections that you may encounter:

  • Routine Inspection: Expect to be inspected on a yearly basis. It can happen at any time and often comes without warning. 
  • Complaint Inspection: If a customer gets sick, they may file a complaint. The health department will perform an inspection to verify whether the complaint was valid.
  • Follow-Up Inspection: The inspector’s goal isn’t to shut you down, but to keep people safe. If you do end up with any violations from the other 2 types of inspections, the inspector will often give you a chance to fix things and perform another inspection at a later date to make sure you made the proper changes.

So how do you make sure you are ready to pass those inspections? Follow these tips!

1. Perform Self-Inspections

Don’t wait for the surprise inspection to find out if you are up to code! Do your own inspections. If you have employees, make it a surprise just like the real thing. You want to get an accurate picture of what’s happening in your kitchen-on-wheels so that you can make sure to fix problems before they get any worse.

2. Keep an Eye on the Food, Dude!

The biggest thing that the health inspector is going to be looking at is how you are taking care of your food. They’ll be checking temperatures on cold, stored food as well as hot food to make sure they are within safe ranges. You’ll want to make sure you have adequate refrigeration to accomplish this. 

Inspectors will also be checking that cooked and raw food are stored separately. Cross contamination between raw and cooked food is a major issue and will hurt your score if they find it.

You must also make sure that you are dating stored food properly to avoid things going bad or serving food past its prime.

3. Grub-Slingers, Be Good!

The inspection will also observe the behavior of your employees. They will be checking that employees are properly washing their hands. They will make sure that cooks are using food thermometers to assure food being sent out is safe for consumption. 

Health inspectors will also make sure employees are clean, well-groomed, and wearing everything they are supposed to wear.

Pass That Inspection, Then Pass Me the Hot Sauce!

Passing your food truck inspection is crucial to succeeding in your culinary venture. Stay prepared and run a tight ship so that you can bring home the bacon.

If you’re just starting out and looking to outfit your food truck with the best equipment, get in touch. We’d love to help you out!

Want more food truck advice? Check out more blog posts here!

Thinking about starting a food truck? Request a free custom quote and one of our food truck specialists will help you design the truck of your dreams.

Stay up to date on everything Custom Concessions has to offer! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

The post 3 Essential Tips On How To Pass Food Truck Health Inspections appeared first on Custom Concessions.
